Sunday, November 24, 2013

November 24 – “A stirring in the chilly night”

We had a bit of a scare last night.  Around three a.m. Chris suddenly jumped up and literally ran from our bedroom.  Groggily, I opened my eyes and realized there were lights on all over the house.  That could mean only one thing.  Mom was up and had been up for a while.  Now she is a fall risk, so we don’t leave her on her own at any time of day.  You can understand Chris’ sense of urgency, then.  I finally gathered my own wits about me and started to get up to help out, but I heard that calm assurance in Chris’ voice as she gently directed Mom back toward her room.  Once she got her settled and returned to bed she told me that not only were the lights on all over the house, but she had found Mom at the front door, sweater on, with the door open.  In fact, that’s what actually woke her up: she heard the front door opening.  Now I don’t think she would have gone outside.  Mom is not one for being in the cold anywhere, any time.  But Chris was a bit shaken up by the whole experience.  Usually we can hear Mom when she gets out of bed.  It’s pretty creaky by design.  Maybe that was her first stop, spraying some WD-40 on the springs.  Either that or the heater may have been on at just the right moment to drown out the squeaking.  I guess we are in the market for one of those baby monitors as a second line of audio-defense.  We could put it under her bed to amplify the creaks. 

We used the old shift trick yesterday.  I went by myself to the Moody Church craft fair.  My goal was to check out the used book sale they always have.  Not that I particularly need any more books.  But it is always a plus to save some and keep them from being trashed.  I picked up a copy of Screwtape Letters, always a classic.  I also got a Bible study guide on Romans.  And I may or may not have found a Christmas present possibility or two.  I did get a few children’s books.  One of them I read last night.  The Time Garden.  Kind of an odd tale about some children who can rub bits of wild thyme together in their hands and travel in time.  Get it?  Time … Thyme.  Funny in places.  Unexpectedly gruesome in one spot.  Not sure what his target age-group was, but I would say ten or twelve.  Definitely had an English flair to it, but I think it was first published in Canada. 

Our evening was spent huddled on the couch watching college football.  Yes, we saw A&M lose.  Somewhere in there Chris lit up our only fireplace log leftover from years past, so our fireplace or Franklin Stove or whatever that thing is called, was a hub of warmth against the chilly, wet, nasty stuff going on outside.  We even saw much of the Baylor loss before we went on to bed.  Sad day for Texas sports, indeed.

Zechariah 14:6-9 says, “On that day there will be no light, no cold or frost.  It will be a unique day, without daytime or nighttime — a day known to the Lord. When evening comes, there will be light.  On that day living water will flow out from Jerusalem, half to the eastern sea and half to the western sea, in summer and in winter.  The Lord will be king over the whole earth. On that day there will be one Lord, and his name the only name.

Father, thank you for waking us up when you did.  And thanks for watching over Mom.  It is comforting to remember that she is already in your care.  Amen.

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