Monday, November 15, 2010

November 15 – “It’s ‘that’ time of year again.”


It's "that" time of year again.  Things are going to get fun around here.  Today Jachin and Micah stayed with us while their little brother went to the doctor for a checkup and four (count 'em) four shots.  Josiah now weighs 20 pounds and he's finally on the growth chart instead of way above it.  He's still a big boy, though. 


At one point Jachin explained to me his latest desire in the way of Legos.  That's his latest passion.  Well, I guess it would be his latest indoor passion, because he also told me he was very upset that he was sick on a Saturday because baseball games are on Saturdays.  Of course the games were rained out on the day he was sick, but that didn't matter.  There were supposed to be games.  And if they had played the game he would have been sick and missed it.  And that was cause for a certain degree of frustration. 


So his Legos desire involved some kind of knight castle and another kit that I didn't recognize.  He sure knew all about both of them, though.  And he was happy to let me in on all the ins and outs.  It was like he already had the kits. 


After a grand explanation of the two exciting opportunities for creativity he added, "But you don't have to get me either of those things, DadDad." 

"Oh, I don't?" was my guarded response. 

And he replied, "Oh, no.  I'm already asking someone else for those." 

How could I resist asking … "And who are you asking?" 

With his hands on his hips and a roll of his eyes he said, "Oh, DadDad.  His name begins with an 'S,' and he wears a pointy hat." 

"Who in the world could that be?" I begged.  I didn't think he was even going to acknowledge such a stupid question.  But he finally let me in on the secret.  I know it was a secret because he whispered it. 

"Santa Claus." 

Aaahh.  I decided to double check with Chris before I accepted it fully.  While we were in Target I asked her, "What do you want me to say when your sons call and ask what you want this year?"

She answered – as she does every year – "I don't want anything."

That confirms it.  It's "that" time of year again. 


Psalms 19:8 says, "The precepts of the Lord are right, giving joy to the heart.  The commands of the Lord are radiant, giving light to the eyes."


Father, Bring on the Christmas season.  People seem happier.  Amen.

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