Friday, September 3, 2010

September 3 - “Majestic”


Indeed the wagon would prove to become a desperately needed resource for hauling away unacceptable for restoration items.  And it made possible the transfer to storage of many others that had yet to reach final determination of "up to standard" status. 


Efforts to resurrect the previous grandeur of the castle continued in earnest.  And as the weary groups all over Great Island struggled day to day with the tedious task before them, outsiders began to infiltrate under the guise of Relief Organization.  Indeed many of these were fine groups, and provided food and shelter and construction assistance directly to the needy residents.  There were others, however, whose motives were a bit more uncertain.  The self-proclaimed Fashioners of Endorsements for Moving Ahead was one such interloper.  Sometimes it seemed their offers of assistance permeated the exact need and resulted in forward strides toward resolution of dire situations.  Other times it seemed that the intent was to play a cruel trick on unsuspecting inhabitants, promising much and delivering little.  The hearty Islanders soon saw through the tricks, however.  An outcry arose for such groups to depart the Island and allow the individual castle-dwellers to rebuild without interference.


We have another diagnosis confirmed for the Vaughan family.  Today Jachin went to a pediatric cardiologist to see why he has nearly (and sometimes totally) passed out on occasion.  Based on his Dad's childhood history, we had a good idea what to expect.  When Kel was about 12 he had the same problem.  We lived in Fort Worth at the time, and the doctor told us if it was his child he would have him on the next plane to Texas Children's Hospital in Houston.  It wasn't on a plane, but we got ther as fast as we could.  He was diagnosed with vaso-vagal synchope, which means he passes out.  Actually there is a lot more to it that that.  There is some kind of mixed signal in the brain.  When it gets a message to tell the heart to speed up because more activity (or more emotion) is coming, it sends a message to slow down.  So when the extra activity occurs, there is not enough blood going to the head, and he passes out.  Thye body's natural secondary pacemaker kicks in and slowly gets the blood pumping up to speed.  The danger comes from external sources.  Like if he was playing football and someone tackles or blocks him just as he is about to pass out.  Or if it happens while he is swimming, he could simply sink and drown.  His Dad was on medication for a long time as a result.  He still lives with it, but has learned to handle it.


So Jachin has the same thing.  They went to a Texas Children's Clinic, and they even pulled up Kel's chart.  As it turns out the treatment now is somewhat different.  Step one is drink more fluids, and milk doesn't count.  Step two is take salt tablets.  Step three is the medication, but they try to stay away from that now if at all possible.  I'm sure kel was saying, "Oh, great.  Thanks for the childhood."  


Micah stayed here during the appointment and taught me the connections between Star Wars and Batman and GI Joe.  I was especially impressed with his command of such terms as Batman's utility belt.  Something along the lines of "Ute-stilt ti-toot 'n' knee belt."  Glad I knew my Batman.  I followed him pretty well.


Psalms 8:3-9 says, "When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, 4 what is man that you are mindful of him, the son of man that you care for him?  5 You made him a little lower than the heavenly beings and crowned him with glory and honor.  6 You made him ruler over the works of your hands; you put everything under his feet: 7 all flocks and herds, and the beasts of the field, 8 the birds of the air, and the fish of the sea, all that swim the paths of the seas. 9 O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth!"


Father, majestic is a good word.  And as far as I can understand it, you are the only one it really works for.  Majestic.  You.  Amen.

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