Friday, September 10, 2010

September 10 – “Morning person”


And the slow, patient efforts soon paid off.  Before long new growth sprang forth, singing with beauty and color and scent to the goodness of the Creator and the care of the Queen.  Some sprouts had been coddled and pampered.  Other appeared from the ground truly as a gift from the Great One, for no seeds had been planted, and little special care had been expended.


And slowly the castle and the grounds and the people began to come together.  And a home was formed once again.  And peace returned.  And sleep came easily once again. 


But alas, it was not to last.


I had to wake Mom up early this morning.  She had to be at a hearing aid check up appointment in Houston at 10:30 and I had to be at the rheumatologist's office, also in Houston, sometime between 9:00 and 11:00 for a blood test to see if this medication is the one that's affecting my liver.  That meant we had to leave the house around 8:00.  I had no problem getting up.  In fact I was awake by 5:00.  Not that I had to be.  The curse of being a morning person I guess. 


I texted Chris, who is definitely not a morning person, a little before 7:00.  I knew she'd be up.  They usually are up long before 7.  Several times.  Her omment about Mom was, "She's not a morning person."  True.  Those non-morning people stick together.  Right at 7:00 I went to her room and knocked on the door and said, "It's 7:00."  She whispered, "OK."  But I guess she didn't hear herself, because then she repeated it, much louder, and threw off the covers.  It still took her about five minutes to actually get to the kitchen and start her morning routine.  Bowl of cereal with milk.  Cup of cranapple juice.  Take morning pills (whatever they are).  Pour cup of coffee.  Come into the office, sit in a rocking chair, and read the paper while drinking the coffee (Galveston paper only.  She has no need for the Houston Chronicle).  Of course there are the requisite grunts and groan punctuating the process, as her body get going.  I figure with me, I don't have to grunt and groan because my body is creaking and crackling so loud the world already knows I'm coming.  But my time is coming, I'm sure.  And I do already have my moments.  I knew she'd make it in time, though.  I've seen her get ready for church in about fifteen minutes before.


Psalms 5:3 says, "In the morning, O Lord, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait in expectation."


Father, I get the praying in the morning part.  It's that waiting in expectation that I mess up on.  Amen.

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