Tuesday, September 8, 2020

September 8 – “Life in the Loop”

Well, I did a whole lot of sleeping yesterday.  The medications I got from the ER doc have been knocking me for a loop.  Well, if said loop includes sleeping for a few hours, waking up to eat, and sleeping some more.  I guess that’s a good thing.


The strongest of the pains in my back seems to be gone.  Now I’m trying to figure out what’s up with the secondary issues.  My side where the main issue was is now completely numb.  I mean numb like your mouth after a dentist office visit.  Weird.  I still feel tightness and some twinges of pain in my back.  But after that excruciating, knock-me-to-my-knees pain the other night, I’m having some soreness in my lower abdomen on that side as well.  What can I say other than … weird.  I’m supposed to call my doctor for a follow-up check today.  I don’t think Chris will let me get away with skipping out on that one. 


Speaking of Chris, she had another tough night a few nights ago.  She said if she had had an appointment already scheduled with her pain doctor she would have told him to bring on the next step.  That would be either another shot in the back or move on to an appointment with a neurosurgeon. 

I guess we’re both reaching “that age.”  You know, the falling apart at the seams age.  On the other hand, we still have lots of places to go and things to see.  So … patch us up and get out of the way …


Exodus 14:14 says, “The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.”

Father, thank you for that promise.  It is encouraging to know you are with us in the fight, whether spiritual or physical.  Amen.

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