Sunday, September 20, 2020

September 20 – “It’s coming …”

Yesterday was an all-church workday at Seaside.  Sort of.  we were going to clean the worship center and even paint it.  We are going to be hosting early voting and then Election Day voting, so we wanted to be good hosts.  And also there is a looking ahead just a bit to our returning to inside worship.  So we faced the usual: sweep and mop, clean the windows, clean the bathrooms, clean the kitchen, clean the nursery, vacuum the chairs, etc., etc., etc. However … we cut it all short.  Oh, we did some cleaning.  The place looks pretty good now, actually.  Very nice job, Seaside crew.  But no painting.  Why?


There’s a storm in the Gulf … again.  Tropical Storm Beta is bearing down on us even as I type.  By the way I’m typing at 4:59 in the morning.  We have had so many storms this season that they ran out of names for them.  We had to dust off the Greek alphabet.  The rain bands haven’t quite arrived, but they are due to begin by around 7.  And the tropical storm force winds should follow shortly thereafter.  The storm tidal surge began a few days ago, and it will get worse before it gets better.  Here we go …


Yesterday we went to WalMart to get some hot dog buns for supper and some bananas for breakfast.  And let me hasten to say that were successful in that quest.  But I must also add that we also came home with a new TV.  I haven’t been able to get our computer to communicate with our old TV anymore.  That’s a problem when we do song videos at home group or at FaceBook Live home presentations (like will be happening this morning).  Corey and Janell helped us carry it in the house, so I didn’t do any back breaking labor.  But we haven’t set it up yet.  There might be a problem.  It will just barely fit on our TV table, with an inch or so sticking out on each side.  But the bottom line is, if we keep it, we (read here, Chris) would have to rethink our design scheme for the rest of the wall.  We really don’t want to hang it on the wall because of the cords hanging down with the connections to the DVD player and Wii for the kids and such.  We decided to ponder the situation for the evening.  Nathan said he would try to come by today to help.  his help will either be setting up what we have or helping us get it back to the store to trade it for the next smaller size that will fit.  Meanwhile … no music for FaceBook Live today, just the teaching.  We are really going back to how this broadcasting started for us.  We’ll try to figure it out and get better next time. 


Stay safe.  And be the church.


1 John 1:7 says, “If we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin.”


Father, we are waiting patiently (sort of) for this storm to come and go.  Please do your protection thing.  We need it … again.  Amen.

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