Monday, September 21, 2020

September 21 – “Early. Really early”

Up and at ‘em … 4:30 a.m.  Yep.  Early.  Really early.  I was wide awake at 4:30 yesterday morning.  As it turned out I needed the extra time.  We were not meeting up at the church because of the tropical storm coming and tides rising.  That meant I had to redo a large portion of the pre-teaching announcements and prayer guides.  Not difficult, just time-consuming. 


I have to admit, I really felt rusty at the whole talking to just the camera (and Chris sitting behind it) thing.  It is so much easier when there are actual faces to connect with.  I guess I managed to muddle through it though.


So … the storm.  It is Tropical Storm Beta, and it looks like it will stay that way.  No hurricane this time.  Rain bands and gusty winds came through all afternoon, but it never seemed too severe.  High tides continued to descend upon the West End of the Island, though.  Everything continued through the night.  The storm is supposed to make landfall later this morning, then turn directly toward us and make a pass-through.  Looks like we really might get the 3-7 inches of rain they are predicting.  Probably some of those tropical storm force winds as well.  Here we go …


Nathan came over yesterday afternoon and helped us hook up the new TV set.  The actual physical lifting and placing on the stand didn’t take long at all.  Figuring out how it works is another matter.  See, it’s a smart TV.  Smarter than me for sure.  Nathan did most of the figuring out, but on more than one occasion I heard him mumble, “We need to get Cailyn over here.”  In the world of technology … you’re getting old, Dad.  The Wii connections are too old for this TV.  I guess we have to figure out a place to set up the old TV for gaming.  Either that or find an adapter that transforms those three cables into one HDMI connection.  It probably exists.  I just wouldn’t know what to even ask for.  Oh, well.  I suppose if the grandkids want to do video game badly enough, maybe they’ll find one of those connectors.  I did manage to introduce the computer to the new TV.  They were a little reluctant at first.  The computer was totally fine with making a new friend.  The TV, however, resisted its overtures numerous times before finally succumbing and agreeing to the play date.  Assuming their friendship continues to mature, we should be good to go for music at home group from now on.  Oh, and for a video platform should we need to do FaceBook Live from our living room again. 


1 John 2:3 says, “We know that we have come to know him if we obey his commands.”


Father, thank you for the rain we have received so far.  I understand there is a lot more where that comes from … Amen.

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