Thursday, September 10, 2020

September 10 – “Through the roar of the waves”

Chris organized our toy/game storage shelves yesterday.  She was a regular flurry of activity, in fact.  There is a lot of stuff on those two racks of shelves.  But don’t despair, kids.  I’m pretty sure the only thing she threw away was a dead frog she found. 


I spent some time preparing for a wedding I officiated last night.  More about that in a second.  I heard back from the nurse practitioner about my newest discovery – the swelling in my side.  Well, I sort of heard back.  No answers.  Just another question: “Is there a rash or blisters?”  Nope.  I’m pretty sure it’s not shingles.  I recognize those symptoms.  Try again.  Please. 


So back to the wedding.  It was a small affair, just about twelve people.  There would have been ten, but they invited a couple they met in the hot tub of the condos the night before.  My connection?  Well, the bride and groom live in Washington State.  The groom is the nephew of a retired Galveston Fire Department guy.  He recommended me when their planned destination wedding to Maui had to be canceled because the Corona scare shut down the whole state of Hawaii.  So Galveston was their second choice after Maui.  Not bad. 


The wedding itself went well.  Started late, as usual.  But everyone just gathered in close so they could hear.  The roar of the waves was particularly loud.  There was a touch of emotion trying to get through their vows, but other than that, they did pretty well.  After the ceremony we all went to Landry’s for a meal.  We were seated at two round tables.  Social distancing, I guess.  The wedding party eventually moved the tables together so they could communicate with each other.  I sat with the groom to my left and the best man to my right.


The best man and his wife regaled us with tales of when they worked with the state department in Israel.  We compared notes on the different sites we had seen.  She was particularly excited to tell about the Israeli kids that their children befriended who had to have everything kosher, but they found innumerable ways to get around it.  Sounds like typical kids to me.  It was really interesting to listen to, though.


The groom at one point leaned over to me and initiated this conversation:

Groom: “Pastor Kelley, are you married?”

Me: “Yes, I am.”

Groom (gesturing at his new bride): “So am I.”

Me: “That’s right!  Congrats!”

Groom: “How long have you been married?”

Me: “45 years.”

Groom: “I’ve been married 45 minutes.”

Me: "John, you and I sure have a lot in common.”

I like that guy.


James 4:7 says, “Submit yourselves, then, to God.  Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.”


Father, please watch over John and Angie as they head back to Washington and begin their new life together.  Draw them close to you.  Amen.

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