Monday, September 14, 2020

September 14 – “God … who?”

It sure felt good to be back with the family at Seaside yesterday.  Right before we left for church, Chris asked me if I had just received a FaceBook message.  I checked my phone and sure enough there was a new message directed to our Seaside FaceBook page.  I clicked on it right away.  Seems a young family on a three-week vacation to Galveston wanted to know if they could join us for worship.  Mom and Dad and their two cute little girls are thinking about moving here as well.  They were excited about the chance to worship outside, free of masks.  It was great to meet them.  They connected with another of our young families as their kids played together on the playground and we all talked after church.  I hope they do decide to enjoy our tropical island paradise permanently.


We had a different kind of worship experience.  It was all centered around the names of God.  Since it is never mentioned in the Book of Esther, our current study, we just gave everyone an overdose of the names of God used in Scripture.  Jim even found a new song that contains nothing but names for God.  I think maybe God was paying extra special attention to Galveston’s West End yesterday, since he was hearing his name so much.


I never did hear from my doctor about the MRI results.  Guess the radiologist decided to take the weekend off.  Can’t blame him.  Maybe he went to church.  I think my prednisone binge met its match yesterday, though.  I experienced my usual Sunday afternoon physical crash, and the drugs didn’t change anything.  I was out cold for at least an hour Chris told me.  A shame, actually.  I missed the lion’s share of an old Hallmark movie.  And then last night I was all prepared for another short night of sleep.  Sure enough, I woke up at 1:30.  Wide awake.  This time, though I had a plan.  I eased out of bed and went to the den.  I grabbed a sheet and tossed it over the couch.  I went to the office where I had been charging up a portable fan.  I tossed one of those throw blankets on top and eased in for the duration.  But here’s the thing.  After the first crossword puzzle was complete, I was actually feeling a little drowsy.  When I completed the second one, I kind of felt sleepy.  I never finished the third one.  And I actually slept until 6 this morning.  I was amazed.  Guess I needed it …


1 Peter 3:18 says, “For Christ died for sins once for all, the righteous for the unrighteous, to bring you to God.”


Father, thanks for the young family who came yesterday, and for the connection they made.  And thanks for the sleep.  Amen.

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