Tuesday, September 1, 2020

September 1 – “’Mom’s at Disney’ Day One”

Well, welcome to September, historically the busiest month of the year for hurricanes in the Gulf of Mexico.  And the next named storm is scheduled to be Hurricane Nana.  Can’t wait …


Yesterday I got up at my usual time right at 6 a.m.  That gave me about an hour and a half to get going with my Monday work before the Littles started appearing.  And sure enough, around 7:15 Noa and Ezra made their way into the light.  Well, they did have one brief glitch.  Ezra came into the office with a shirt on top and nothing on the bottom, “half-nessed” as opposed to “bus-nessed.”  He was asking for help to turn on the hall light.  Seems their suitcases were in there, and Noa was helping him get dressed.  I obliged, and they continued on with their morning preparations.


At Josiah’s request as the only older brother around, I went over to the Donut Shop and got some donuts for breakfast.  Good idea, Josiah.  The three of them played together for a while, then Chris hooked them up with some homework.  They weren’t exactly excited about that transition.  They did well, though.  Noa was figuring out the seasons.  It didn’t make sense at first why December should be included with January and February as Winter.  Then Chris mentioned that it was because December was cold like the other two.  And a light bulb went off.  Gotta love those “Ah-ha moments.”  The other thing that entertained me about the school experience yesterday came when Josiah started his math word problems.  He read the problem, then stared into space appearing to mouth some things and count others on his fingers.  Then he suddenly wrote the answer down on the page.  De ja vu to the days of his Uncle Nathan.  That’s exactly how he used to do his math.  And de ja vu as well to Chris’ response to that internal processing … “You have to show your work.  I can’t tell how you did it.”  And the inevitable reply, “Well, is the answer right?”  Now to Chris’ credit, she didn’t just look up the answer in the teacher’s book.  She plodded through all the steps and worked it out on paper to show him the steps he needed to provide for her on the paper, “so she could understand it.”  He kind of rolled his eyes, and ever-so-patiently did his best to do it her way.  My favorite part of it all was when his original answer came out to be the correct one.  Love it. 


The kids had ramen noodles for lunch per their request.  Then Josiah, Noa and I played a game of Telestrations .  Josiah and I kind of made up our own rules.  The game went downhill when every time I received a challenge from Josiah, it had some version of “stupid teenagers” for me to draw.  Have you ever sketched a “Stupid teenager bed” before?  I have …


Last night I had the enviable task of attending a parents’ meeting for Jachin and Micah’s baseball team.  Only had to drive to Sugarland for the meeting and for them to attend practice.  That’s a little over an hour away.  Shades of our days of going to basketball games when our boys were younger.  They seem to be enjoying the sport, though.  I took what notes I could and picked up Micah’s uniform, so I guess I performed my parents’ meeting task in passable fashion.  Wonder what’s on tap for today’s action …

James 3:13 says, “Who is wise and understanding among you?  Let them show it by their good life, by deeds done in the humility that comes from wisdom.”


Father, thank you for riding with the boys and me on our journey to Sugarland.  And thanks for giving Chris the stamina to handle the Littles while we were away.  Amen.

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