Tuesday, April 7, 2020

April 7 – “The Mask”

We’ve begun hearing rumors that the virus outbreak may be slowing down a bit.  Apparently, that wonder drug hydrochloroquine (or however you say it) has seen promising results worldwide, although the U.S. drug czar is wanting interminably long testing before he’ll approve it officially here.  A nursing home with an outbreak in Texas City just started using it anyway.  It’s already approved for use in other areas, so they don’t really need that guy’s approval.  Plus, that’s Texas.  If they want to do it, they will do it.  I also saw in the newspaper this morning that the stock market rebounded a little bit.  They heard promising news, too, I guess.  Welcome to the world of my inherent optimism.

Meanwhile, I spent most of the day in front of the computer again.  Had to get my usual Monday tasks done so I could concentrate on the virtual Easter service.  Jim is working on filming some more songs, and I am waiting on video from the special guests for the day.  I’m thinking about doing a short FaceBook Live production around 6:45 Sunday morning … from the Seawall or some area of beach that still allows foot traffic.  We’ll see.  Birthday cards are all sent out.  Church website updated. 

Chris started making face masks at the request of a friend in law enforcement.  I found some in our garage for us.  They are leftovers from Hurricane Ike or Harvey supplies.  Never been opened packages.  No expiration date or anything.  They still haven’t been opened, but then we haven’t been anywhere lately.  I also pulled out my old kafiya that I got in Israel.  It’s like a huge bandana.  I can wrap that thing around my head and face if I could just figure out the necessary swoops.

Nathan ordered himself a mask in the mail.  It’s patterned after the one that medieval “doctors” wore during the Black Plague.  You would recognize it if you saw it.  Black leather.  Long pointy nose.  Makes him look like the black spy guy in old Mad magazine Spy vs. Spy segments.  I want one.  The mask, not the Mad magazine. 

Philippians 2:7 says, “Rather, he made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness.”

Father, thank you for encouraging news.  Please reveal yourself through this whole Corona virus situation.  Amen.

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