Saturday, April 4, 2020

April 4 – “… at a rock concert”

I had a dream last night.  I was at a rock concert, of all things.  No idea who was playing, but the crowd was pretty massive.  The group I was with was fighting over the seat I was in, that just happened to be a wheelchair.  Most comfortable seat in the house, I might add.  Then a young boy came up and asked if he could sit in my seat.  I let him.  Then I couldn’t see much of anything from the other available seat I took.  But I was only there for a brief time.  My front row wheelchair seat suddenly opened up and I was back in it.  No idea what happened to the youngster. 

So, all my dream interpretation fans … what do you think about this one?  Here’s what I came up with (Way too much time on my hands, so I’m told):

Rock concert = Coronavirus era grocery store.
Wheelchair = The coveted senior citizens shopping hour.
Young boy = Us old folks are still responsible to be there as an example and teacher for the next generation.
Returning to the front row = This too shall pass and we will be back to whatever normal will look like on the other side.

I received a message on Facebook late last night from one of our Seaside preschool moms.  Seems her daughter saw the Facebook still photo of the sermon on Sunday.  She pointed to the picture and said, “Family of God!”  (For those who don’t know, we end every worship service at Seaside by singing the chorus, “Family of God”).  How’s that for a sweet response to indicate that the little guys hear and see way more than you think they do?  I miss you, Madeline. 

Speaking of the Family, it was great to have some company yesterday afternoon.  Don’t worry, children-o-mine, we kept our six foot social distancing requirement.  Sam and then Josh and Andrea from Seaside came by to pick up palm crosses.  It was great to chat across the porch for a few minutes. 

Isaiah 40:4-5 says, “Every valley shall be raised up, every mountain and hill made low; the rough ground shall become level, the rugged places a plain.  And the glory of the Lord will be revealed, and all people will see it together.  For the mouth of the Lord has spoken.”

Father, thank you for the company we had yesterday.  It was great to see and connect with some of the Seaside Family again.  And bless little Madeline with a great day today as well.  Amen.

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