Saturday, April 25, 2020

April 25 – “Corona Movie Marathon”

Where is everybody in their quarantine movie marathon?  Or maybe that’s just us.  We do still have that 1,000 piece jigsaw puzzle on the table.  And Chris is still perpetually sewing on a quilt.  And it still takes me all week to prepare for the Sunday Seaside Online broadcast.  But hidden in there somewhere is our homage to the antique practice of theater-going.  Movie theater, that is. 

It makes it easier that we have quite an extensive collection of dvd’s.  Even the ones that made it through Hurricane Ike (with a thorough cleaning, of course.  Yep, we had to do it back then, too.  And we made it through.  All is not lost in the Corona-infested world) remain in a notebook designed to hold that even more antique collection of letters – the CD.  So we have a plethora of options to choose from when it comes time for viewing. 

So far our prime movie viewing time has been in conjunction with our evening meal.  You know, dinner theater.  Yum.

For some random reason we started our personal marathon with the H’s.  No idea why, other than the fact that there are six Harry Potter movies.  We saw Hancock, a Will Smith movie where he is a disgruntled super hero.  High Crimes was another one.  It was a kind of forgettable thriller about a lady trying to clear her husband of war crimes charges.  And then there was Heaven Can Wait, one of my all-time favorites.  It’s about a professional football player who is accidentally allowed to die by his new-to-the-job guardian angel.  As a result of the snafu, the angel has to find him a new body to inhabit.  Lots of light-hearted fun there.  And some romance.  True love and all that, of course. 

But our latest quest has been to make it through the three Hobbit movies, followed by the Fellowship of the Rings trilogy.  One movie a night, you understand, so it has really helped us pass some time together.  We almost had a crisis last night, though.  We were on the very last movie – Return of the King.  The glorious climax of the whole series.  And the disc – one of those that made it through Hurricane Ike – started glitching.  Apparently there was a serious enough scratch to disrupt the laser reader.  We restarted several time.  We even went to Disney Plus to watch it there, only to discover it was not free.  You had to rent it.  Plan C.  We went back to the original disc.  We bypassed the offending scenes by selecting one a little further down in the story.  And it worked.  All we missed was Aragon recruiting the dead soldiers to fight for him.  It helps fill in the blanks when you have read the book and seen the movie a time or two. 

Where to next?  Another trilogy?  Individual favorites?  Any recommendations from the Peanut Gallery out there?

Psalms 46:10 says, “He says, ‘Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.’”

Father, thank you for being there when we do finally stop for a minute and be still.  Amen.

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