Saturday, April 11, 2020

April 11 – “Taking to the chalks”

I took to the chalks again for Good Friday.  It has rained since I last etched into the concrete some sort of colorful expression of the season.  Last time it was a Visual Verse to encourage neighbors out on their get-out-of-the-house walks.  This time I was just too excited about Easter.  Couldn’t wait.  The resulting image harkens crudely to three crosses and an empty tomb with the words, “He is risen!” exploding from within. 

I’ve seem much better art (Didn’t have far to go), but the process was somewhat therapeutic in a time when time is at an abundance, and creativity tends to ebb and flow with frightening suddenness and unexpectedness.  So draw on your sidewalk, kids.  Draw on your driveways, old timers.  Teach a youngster how to play hopscotch.  Take a walk around the block.  And as you do, remember the message you saw in that one driveway over on Sycamore … He is risen!

And here’s the best Bible verse EVER for Good Friday …

Psalms 30:5 says, “For his anger lasts only a moment, but his favor lasts a lifetime; WEEPING MAY STAY FOR THE NIGHT, BUT JOY COMES IN THE MORNING!”

Father, thank you for always giving us this word of hope for the evenings of our lives.  Amen.

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