Wednesday, April 22, 2020

April 22 – “Well, that’s just trashy”

We have an interesting Corona-development at the church.  Jamaica Beach is the only place on the Island where it is still OK to go to the beach.  You’re not supposed to put down roots and stay all day, though.  It’s technically for those who want to exercise.  Well, West Enders are a level beyond Texans in regard to being fiercely independent.  So people have been out in force to the beach in Jamaica Beach. 

But here’s the problem.  Beaches are still closed to vehicular traffic.  There is no place to park for those who do want to go to the beach.  So what’s a family to do?  Well, it seems the Jamaica Beach police officers have come up with a plan.  Instead of just turning people away, they have been making a suggestion as to where parking is available.  “Park at the church up at the light.”  Yep.  That’s Seaside.  And you know what?  That’s fine with us.  We like being able to provide another creative service to the community. 

However … (Isn’t it sad how often there is one of those qualifiers around?) … Some of the people who have been parking in our lot have also been using it as a dump site for their garbage.  We have even found dirty diapers strewn about.  Talk about an abuse of privilege.  But one of our Seasiders, Robert, had a great idea to help with the issue.  Since we are not generating any garbage of our own with our remote Facebook Live broadcasts, Robert pulled our outdoor trash receptacles over to the parking lot.  He placed them in strategic spots on site, clearly marked with the word “Trash.”  Guess that makes him our unofficial Official Minister of Trash.  Great creative idea and thanks for carrying that out, Reverend Robert.  I mean … how many churches can say with a straight face that we now have a Trashy Ministry?

Psalms 24:1-2 says, “The earth is the Lord’s and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it; for he founded it on the seas and established it on the waters.”

Father, thank you for the folks using our parking lot.  Give them an hour or two of respite from the quarantine.  And bless Robert for his ministry efforts.  Amen.

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