Sunday, March 8, 2020

March 8 – “A smushed-in face?”

Looks like this whole weird dream thing is as contagious as the coronavirus.  Yesterday on his way to work Corey came over to tell us about the weird dream he had just had.  He prefaced his retelling with the assurance that, as he has learned from us in the past, whenever there are specific people who show up in a dream, he prays for them when he wakes up.  This time I was in his dream, so the good news is, I got prayed for by Corey …

In his dream (and I emphasize IN THE DREAM) we had a Persian cat with a smushed in face.  I understood that to mean a smushed in face is a standard feature with that breed, because he added, “You know, right” to the description.  I accepted his rather vivid description, and he moved on.  Apparently our house was connected by one of those dream doors to anywhere directly to his house.  Old Smush Face managed to get the door open (Hey, if we’re gonna have a cat, it’s gotta be one that can open doors) and make its way to their house. Fearing for the cat’s safety in the presence of the pack of dogs that resided in his humble abode, Corey swooped it up in his arms and fought his way back through the door that our cat opened and into our house.  I saw him coming, and when I was able to make out what he was doing, I apparently leapt into action to be of assistance.  And in mid-leap I apparently spoke forth a word of the sort that Corey had never heard me say before.  He remembered thinking, “I’ve never heard PK say a word like that before.” 

Now Corey had his own interpretation of the dream as it applied to himself.  I might just add that if nothing else he might take away the truth that old PK is a sinner just like the rest of the world out there, even if he does live on the other side of the magic dream door.  But a Persian cat with a smushed in face?  Corey, that was just a nightmare …

John 14:6 says, “Jesus answered, ‘I am the way, the truth and the life.  No one comes to the Father except through me.’”

Father, thanks for our neighbors Corey and Janell and Brennan.  You have really blessed us in that department.  May they dream blissfully tonight.  Amen.

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