Saturday, March 28, 2020

March 28 – “CVSDS”

We are looking for bears in the window in our neighborhood now.  We really didn’t see too many on our first walk, though.  There were a few monkeys, but the star was certainly the Chewbacca across the street. 

Yesterday started out in the yard again.  There’s an article in today’s paper about how yardwork and running are good outlets for CVSDS (Corona Virus Social Distancing Stress).  Running is not going to happen anymore from this old boy, but Chris is outside every chance she gets anyway, so why not join her?  I was hard at work pulling weeds from the front lawn again when I was rescued by a FaceTime call from Waco.  It was Luke.  He had some pretty big time news.  The youngster has a loose tooth.  Right in front.  We shared some ideas for helping him pull it.  Simple things like tying it to a rock and throwing the rock off the deck.  He wasn’t too impressed with my suggestions.  Seems they were altogether too close to the suggestions his Dad had already come up with.  We did hear a bit from the other younger people up there.  AnnaGrace has a mermaid doll that was attempting to swim all over Luke’s Caribbean shirt.  Hmm.  Wonder where he got that thing?  Caleb was honing his photo bomb skills.  Zak was finishing up a zoom class of some kind before heading outside to shoot baskets.  Hey, anything to get out of more schoolwork, right?  Even talking to Nani and DadDad.

We took another walk last night.  Doing our part to combat that evil CVSDS.  At one point Chris reached out and took my hand to get me out of the way of a car backing out of a driveway.  I don’t usually wear my hearing aids when we walk, so she was just making sure I heard the engine come on.  I didn’t let go.  Around on the next street, a neighbor couple was riding bikes.  He shouted out (from a respectable distance, of course), “Hey.  You’re holding hands.  That’s not six feet.”  Tightening my grip, I replied, “Hey.  We gave up on that a long time ago.”  Then as we approached our house, another neighbor called out from her porch, “Aw.  You two are so sweet.  Holding hands.”  What could I say to that one?  I simply agreed, “Yep.  We are pretty sweet, aren’t we?” 

John 10:10 says, “I am the Good Shepherd.  The Good Shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.”

Father, thank you for walks hand in hand.  And thanks for neighbors who care enough to notice.  Amen.

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