Friday, March 6, 2020

March 6 – “Speaking of …”

Back update.  After a pretty rough night – I woke up around 3:30 with a spasm that felt like someone punched me in the middle of the back – yesterday during the day was a little better.  I could tell the muscle was still really tender, and it gripped several times throughout the day.  Tylenol is all I can take for it because of my other medications.  But at least it wasn’t constant pain.  It is still hard to concentrate, though.  Not much work accomplished as a result. 

Speaking of medical stuff, I had a phone call from my doctor’s office yesterday.  Seems one of my regular medications has reached its limit with them.  They won’t renew it until they see me.  I know that’s a thing.  Can’t have people receiving relief without going through the middle man.  Actually I understand the reasoning.  No telling what may have changed in my condition, and they would be responsible if something went wrong and they hadn’t checked me out regularly.  The amazing thing about the phone call?  My doctor had an appointment slot open for today.  That just never happens.  Guess I’ll be doctorin’ this afternoon.  “Officially” to do a meds check.  But she will hear about this back pain, that’s for sure.  And Chris has already started a list for me to ask about.  Here we go …

1 John 4:7 says, “Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God.  Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God.”

Father, thank you for those moments of relief from the back pain yesterday.  I could use a few for today if you have any left over.  Amen.

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