Tuesday, March 3, 2020

March 3 – “Into the Grand Swank Room”

Happy Texas Independence Day yesterday.  We saw a few Texas flags flying on our walk.  That’s right.  We actually took a walk again.  We only went a mile, though.  But I was proud of Chris to make it that far with her leg issues.  And she’s been doing her exercises pretty faithfully.  She goes to physical therapy today, so we’ll see what new manner of contortionism she comes home with this time. 

I had an interesting dream last night.  Seems I was scheduled to speak at some event.  Pretty swanky, too.  They even had a separate little room at the back with a bar in it that was for the less swanky customers.  In the dream I walked back through the glass door separating the two areas, through the bar area, and made my way to the bathroom.  Hey, you gotta get some things taken care of, you know.  Just as I got inside the bathroom, two cleaning ladies opened the door and just stood there.  I finally asked for some privacy and closed the door, right in their faces.  They never moved.  Within a second or two the door opened again.  This time it was the event coordinator letting me know it was time for me to speak, so I followed her on to the Grand Swank Room.  That’s it.  I never did get to go to the bathroom. 

Any thoughts on hidden meaning there?  Best I could come up with was that I actually had to go to the bathroom and my subconscious was battling between waking up and heading back into dreamland.  In spite of my decision in the dream … Yeah … waking up won.  Hope I did a decent job with the speaking engagement.

Isaiah 55:6-7 says, “Seek the Lord while he may be found; call on him when he is near.  Let the wicked forsake their ways and the unrighteous their thoughts.  Let them turn to the Lord, and he will have mercy on them, and to our God, for he will freely pardon.”

Father, thanks for fun dreams that I can remember.  Shows that I was actually getting some sleep, I guess.  Amen.

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