Friday, March 27, 2020

March 27 – “Triple threat”

We ventured out of the house again.  Most of the time was spent in the car, though.  We went out to Jamaica Beach to the church.  I had to drop off some tithe checks that people have brought here to the house.  Thank you folks, for being faithful in the midst of the mess.  While we were out there we checked on the mail, too.  Not much there.  A few bills.  An ad magazine.  Not very many people anywhere to be seen, other than a few folks out walking on the beach or jogging on the seawall.  And a few fishermen as well.

We got gas in the car while we were out.  $1.61 a gallon.  It’s been a long time since it was that cheap.  Of course I’m old enough to remember gas wars where the price got closer to 16.1 cents a gallon.  Oh, don’t worry.  Chris brought along a WalMart bag and made me use it so I wouldn’t come in contact with the pump handle or touch pad.

We drove over to Nathan and April’s house.  He smoked some brisket and made homemade black-eyed peas, and Cailyn set aside a goody bag for us.  On the way over we saw a guy standing alone on a street corner holding two 24-packs of toilet paper.  I’m not sure, but I suspect he may have been wanting to buy some illegal drugs.  That toilet paper is some expensive currency nowadays …

Amid work on the FaceBook Live teaching for Sunday, I also spent some time with the yard work.  So did Chris.  I spread some three-in-one stuff on the backyard lawn.  Is it still called a lawn if it’s in the back yard?  Anyway, the grassy area.  This stuff is supposed to kill ants, kill weeds, and fertilize grass.  Triple threat.  We’ll see.  After that task, I went out front to pull some more weeds and do some raking while Chris watered in the grass gook in the back. 

Sigh … another exciting day in the life of our National Quarantine Experience.

Psalms 67:12 says, “May God be gracious to us and bless us and make his face shine on us – so that your ways may be known on earth, your salvation among all nations.”

Father, watch over our fire fighters as they struggle to be available and do their jobs amid the worry and weirdness around them.  Amen.

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