Friday, March 20, 2020

March 20 – “Social distancing strangeness”

Here’s a little social distancing strangeness:
1.  We realized that without noticing it, we were staggering our noonish neighborhood walk times with the Geran's.  Can’t be out at the same time, I guess.  Actually they usually do the noon thing because of how they have to work from home.  We generally get outside much earlier in the morning.
2.  We received a few really important pieces of mail.  One was a survey from the National Cremation Service.  Are they trying to tell us something?  The other was a notification that it was time to go online and complete our 2020 census information under penalty of having them next mail it to us by snail mail, at which point if we do not send that in, they will be forced to send someone to our house to collect the information in person.  Horror of all horrors.  We can’t have that.  I took care of it right away.  But you know, what better timing?  Who has anything better to do than spend ten minutes telling the government stuff they already know?

Speaking of mail, I went by to check the mail for Seaside.  There was one envelope in the box (along with one piece of junk mail).  The envelope contained just one thing.  A random donation check.  I went upstairs to the retreat center to let the bug guy in, and found a check the last church to use the place left us.  And later that afternoon a Seasider stopped by the house to drop off a tithe.  So we are not meeting Sunday, and our offering is already almost a thousand dollars.  Wow.

I have received lots of encouragement to do a live stream of some kind for a Bible study Sunday morning.  Thing is, most of the votes included one condition … that I somehow include a visual verse.  So, being the incredibly technologically incompetent oaf that I am, I have been working on a way to screen cast to our TV so I can do a visual verse.  I’m not even sure I completely understand how to do FaceBook live.  But the effort will be there.  I’ll try to be doing something around ten on Sunday morning.  You’ll have to YouTube your own favorite worship songs, though.  And I haven’t figured out yet how to connect it to the Seaside FaceBook page.  In the meantime, I guess you’ll just have to friend me to see it.  I do appreciate Pam bringing me a tripod to attach my phone to.  Otherwise it was a selfie stick duct taped to a chair …

Psalms 51:10 says, “Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.”

Father, with all this virus stuff going on, we all could use some cleaning up down here.  What better place to start than with our hearts?  Amen.

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