Friday, September 27, 2019

September 27 – “Curiouser and curiouser”

Holy Mackerel, what a roller coaster ride.  I got a call from the mechanic.  He replaced the sensor that operates the speedometer, but was still having problems.  He asked if I would bring him the old instrument cluster/gauge array that he had just replaced (thankfully he told me to keep it in case they needed parts at some time in the future).  He wanted to use it to test the new sensor.  I picked it up from the garage and headed on over right away.  I was now really curious as to what could be happening now. 

To make a long story shorter, the new instrument cluster worked fine … except for the speedometer part.  He hooked up the old cluster and ran the test with the new sensor and it worked fine.  However … with the new sensor installed it made a horrendous sound.  Solution?  He took the new sensor off, replaced the old one, and voila.  Everything worked fine.  All the gauges registered properly.  No horrendous noise.  Curiouser and curiouser.  He finally just closed up the wound like a doctor finishing surgery.  He will order a new instrument cluster.  Well, another cluster.  There is no such thing as a new one.  They simply aren’t made any more.  Joys of owning a classic vehicle and all.  And whenever one becomes available he will let me know.  Of course that could take a long time before one enters the system. 

In the meantime, I drove the truck home, and everything seems to be behaving for the time being.  I hesitate to mention it – kind of like not mentioning a no-hitter when it is in progress so as not to jinx it - but maybe I can call the paint guy now.

Romans 8:6 says, “The mind governed by the flesh is death, but the mind governed by the Spirit is life and peace.”

Father, please give me that Spirit-mind.  I could especially use the peace part.  Amen.

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