Wednesday, September 18, 2019

September 18 – “In the middle of a tropical storm ... yawn”

Well, the news around here is all about Tropical Storm Imelda.  The baby sister of Hurricane Humberto and the older sibling of Jerry, Kiko, and Mario, she hovered right off the coast of Freeport for several hours before deciding to go ahead and come onshore.  She hit Freeport head on, but the storm track put us on the “dirty” or most affected side of the action.  And come the rain did.  Lots of rain.  Lots and lots of rain.  Even this morning, with the storm slowly and steadily moving northward (and expected to take a slight turn to the north-northwest, following almost the exact track we expect to be driving tomorrow to go to Glen Rose with a group from church.  Here’s hoping it rains itself out before then), we are getting blasted with wave after wave.  I looked at the radar a while ago and it looks like a little hurricane is sitting right on top of us, swirling round and round.  We haven’t had any flooding in our neighborhood as of yet, but schools in Galveston are all closed for the day. 

It has been … interesting … being cooped up all day.  It’s not been bad enough to faithfully watch the Weather Channel’s every report.  Besides, Jim Cantore never did come here, so how bad can it be?  I tried to do some work on the computer.  Chris was plugging through some Bethlehem Street Market preparations as well as looking at the current quilt she is working on.  We both would stop on occasion, however, to step onto the porch to watch the rain and listen to the wind.  It’s the curse of sitting through a tropical storm on the Texas Gulf Coast.  The sheer majesty and power that is on display is mind-boggling.  Add to that the lightning show that began this morning, and all you can do is stare in awe of what God has created.

Last night we finally settled back to wait for the Astros game to come on.  Chris was talking to Josh on the phone, so I started walking around the house in circles.  Gotta get those steps in for at least a mile.  The game finally started at 1.3 miles.  3,565 steps.  Not bad for an interior, off-road course.  The Astros won the game.  We went to bed.  See?  There you have it.  Just not much action in the middle of a tropical storm.

Proverbs 10:19 says, “Sin is not ended by multiplying words, but the prudent hold their tongues.”

Father, thank you for all the rain.  We did need it. Amen.

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