Tuesday, September 24, 2019

September 24 – “Rescue”

Back to walking yesterday.  Three miles.  Chris made some noise about going four, but she relented and came on home with me.  Once here she continued her workout with some steps out on the deck.  On days like that she’s my hero.  I spent the morning at the computer.  Monday’s work is never done. 

Speaking of work, I waded through the first round of the 1989 baseball cards I got on our trip this weekend.  We arranged the boxes marked “Duplicates” into number order so I could see what I actually have.  I noticed right away that there are no duplicates of the 400’s.  Must have been stored somewhere else and didn’t make it to the estate sale.  Chris discovered four Craig Biggio rookie cards.  I’m pretty sure there is at least one Randy Johnson rookie card in there, too.  One whole stack of the 500’s is water damaged.  That was a shame.  Looks like the box they were in got wet just on one end.  I’m still not sure how many more are needed to complete the set.  Lots more work needed to get a handle on this set.

We were extra proud of a Seasider yesterday.  Lauren made the news for her part in the rescue of a beached baby dolphin in Matagorda.  She said the youngster was doing pretty well in their rescue facility, considering its injuries, which included what looked like some shark bites.  They are having to feed him and care for him around the clock.  They named him Baby Russ after the man who found him and stayed with him until the Dolphin Rescue Team arrived.  Then yesterday Lauren helped rescue a sea turtle that was found stuck on the beach here in Galveston.  That’s two big ones in two days.  Not bad for our super-volunteer.  What do you have on tap for today, Lauren?

Matthew 7:17-20 says, “Likewise, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit.  A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit.  Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire.  Thus, by their fruit you will recognize them.”

Father, thank you for Lauren and her team of rescuers.  They drove a long way to do what they could for one tiny, injured dolphin.  Kind of like how you came a long way to rescue us.  Amen.

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