Tuesday, September 17, 2019

September 17 – “Cantore isn’t here. We’re good.”

We took a brief walk yesterday.  Maybe one mile.  Why so short?  Two reasons.  One was the threatening clouds approaching from the tropical system sitting off the coast right now.  The island hasn’t sunk yet, though.  I guess this is our “shout out” to friends from afar who may be listening to the Weather Channel.  Jim Cantore hasn’t showed up here yet, so we should be fine.

The second reason has an actual name.  Beauregard. Yep.  Actually Beauregard.  He’s one of our neighbors.  A retired guy who happens to have been selected by the powers that be (i.e. his wife) to lead our neighborhood night out activities.  He was out putting fliers on people’s doors.  The man was fascinating to talk to.  Well, rather to listen to.  He had story after story to tell.  Why, he even taught briefly at our alma mater, Houston Baptist University, back when it was just Houston Baptist College.  He was there before we began, though, but that was an interesting coincidence.  We’re looking forward to seeing him again on October 1st at 5:30 at the Zion Retreat Center.  To quote my favorite line of the flier, “Bring food for a potluck if you wish to eat.” 

Next I went up to the church to meet the Comcast guy.  Here’s the story there.  They sent us a brand new modem.  No instructions.  No reason why we needed a new one.  We put it in one of the offices and forgot about it.  Then I started getting phone calls urging me to call them.  Seems one of our two modems was going to blow up or something, so they sent us one to replace it.  Now we had to call them to let them set it up over the phone. 

I finally got a window when I could do that.  But they couldn’t figure it out over the phone.  Couldn’t even tell me which modem was the offending one.  So they had to schedule a tech visit.  The first appointment was made, but by the time I received the confirmation text, it had been changed to a time when I specifically told them I could not be there (I was officiating a wedding).  Yesterday was attempt number two.  The window of attendance was between 10 and 12.  To their credit, I got a call at around 10 to tell me he would be there in 45 minutes.  Close.  He got here about an hour later. 

It really didn’t take him long to figure out which modem it was, but then he had to call in for some reason.  Amazingly he was on hold just as long as I usually am when I have to call.  Come to find out, there was a chip malfunction in just some of the models shipped out.  We happened to be blessed with one of those lucky numbers.  The company was just being proactive to switch them out before trouble happens.  Whew.  At least we weren’t in danger of a random explosion …

John 8:32 says, “Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”

Father, thanks for your protection again.  Give ol’ Jim Cantore some more time with his family.  Amen.

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