Friday, March 8, 2019

March 8 – “A Texas jaunt”

I did some tedious work yesterday.  I had to get some medical bills uploaded to our medical share group.  Sounds easy enough, right?  Well, not so much.  Seems they couldn’t interface with the style of form the hospital uses for itemized statements.  The hospital sent a summary page with all of the individual bills included in one statement for.  Nope.  The med share group wanted each individual bill to have its own dedicated form.  I tried sending the same complete summary with each bill.  All the info required was on there.  Nope.  Each individual bill must have its own dedicated form.  I ended up cutting and pasting to try to get it to look like they wanted.  I haven’t done that since I was a youth pastor.  It’s all been uploaded now, though.  Time to wait and see if they reject it again.

Chris and I went up into Webster to see Betty Head in the afternoon.  We just found out she took a fall and banged herself up pretty good.  She’s in a very nice rehab facility there, and she seems to be doing OK.  We’ve been missing our Mrs. Betty at Home Group.

We had planned to go to Jachin’s baseball game after the hospital visit.  It was supposed to start at three, but we got a text that it was postponed for at least an hour because of the rain. We had Home Group last night, so the revised scheduled kind of canceled our plans to attend.  Jachin is not very pleased with the weather right now.  At least he did get this game in.  Kel let me know later that they won their game 10-2.  It’s a tournament, too, so they now have games today at 11:00 and 1:00.  Hopefully we can catch some of those. 

Since we couldn’t make the baseball game, we decided to stop by Lifeway Christian Store and get some things we needed at the church.  Mainly communion supplies.  But I did find a deal too good to pass up.  I got a box of candles for next year’s Christmas Eve Candlelight service.  90%off.  250 of them.  Regular price around $55.00.  Got them for $5.95.  Like I said, too good to pass up. 

Isaiah 55:11 says, “So is my word that goes out from my mouth: it will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.”

Father, would you please be with Mrs. Betty?  She could use some healing as well as one of those supernatural hugs only you can give.  Amen.

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