Tuesday, March 5, 2019

March 5 – “She still does …”

We each had big appointments yesterday.  Mine was to the hearing aid place for my three month checkup.  All was well on that front.  The audiologist did make a discovery about me, though.  She already knew I am the fire department chaplain.  This time conversation led us to the fact that I am also the pastor of Seaside in Jamaica Beach.  That immediately intrigued her.  She immediately wanted to know if that was the church right at the light with the big white cross out front.  I assured her that it was, and she said she had some patients who are members there.  Couldn’t remember the name, though, so she asked the receptionist, “Who is that very sweet little lady who texted you and ask you to lunch?  You know, the one whose husband was doing work on the cross at their church?”  Those was all the clues I needed.  I cautiously asked, “Are you talking about Sharon and Doug Rapp?”  She squealed her reply, “Rapp!  That’s it.  She is so sweet.  And they are so cute together.”  The two of them exchanged some anecdotes to reassure themselves that she was the one they were thinking of.  Finally I gently broke the news that Sharon had just died a few weeks ago.  They were both devastated.  They couldn’t believe it at first.  And they were both very concerned about Doug.  They thanked me profusely for telling them.  Otherwise they would have called with an appointment reminder and found out then.  We chatted about Sharon for a while longer, and before I left the two of them had come out from behind the counter and give me a hug.  Sharon had a way of inspiring hugs in people.  Still does, apparently.

Chris’ appointment was to head into Texas to hang out with the LaMarque younger grandkids while Christina took Jachin to an allergy challenge appointment.  They are trying to ease him off of his allergy to tree nuts.  Didn’t know that was a “thing,” but apparently they are giving it a try.  It took all afternoon.  I spent the whole time in front of the computer.  Too much computer time.  By the time we went to bed, Chris had to put Visine in my eyes.  They are some better this morning.  Maybe I should have taken a nap yesterday …

Revelation 3:20 says, “Here I am!  I stand at the door and knock.  If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me.”

Father, thank you for the concern I saw at the hearing aid place yesterday.  Encourage those two ladies as they get to know patients and especially when they lose patients they have grown to love.  Amen.

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