Wednesday, March 27, 2019

March 27 – “A bit of a snag”

Corey came over and asked if Brennan could hang out with us at two intervals during the day.  Once while he took Janell to work and once while he was at his second job and Janell was on her way home from work.  Time to be substitute grandparents again.

Meanwhile, we finally got started on our fence on the west side of our house.  I met our contractors/hard workers, Nathan and John, at Home Depot to buy the materials.  Not that I would have any say over what was to be purchased.  I was there for my credit card.  We also had to make a stop at American Fence Company to get rot boards and an anti-sagging kit.  Who knew that you could buy an anti-sagging kit?  And at a fence store, no less?  I thought you’d have to go to a high end spa or maybe a beauty parlor for something like that.  Anyway, the costs actually came to a little less than we expected, so that was a definite plus.

The guys arrived at our house shortly thereafter, with April in tow.  She said Nathan forced her to get out of bed and come help.  Always glad to see her, though.  Oh, and I really liked her shirt.  It said, “Y’all need Jesus.”  Yup.  Sure do.

The demo phase went fairly smoothly.  We had to tear down the old fence, pull up a lot of Chris’ plants (She had plenty to spare.  She gave one huge bag of stuff to April to spread around among her friends), and chop down a tree.  And all that before the actual fence work could begin.  We also started tearing down the old chain link fence in the back of the yard.  That’s the home of Chris’ prized wisteria.  When we finish that project, it will truly be a sad day.
Finally Nathan set the line and spray-painted the grass to mark the area for postholes to be dug.  John came behind him with the post hole digger.  Then they placed the posts and poured the concrete.  All was going pretty well.  In fact Nathan mentioned that this was the least four-letter-word-inducing fence that he had ever built.  Ah.  We should have known that was an omen of the bitter moments to come.  All the posts were set for the fence.  All that remained were the two that would hold the gate.  The first hole went fine.  And then Nathan began digging that last one. 

And he hit a bit of a snag.  Well, not a snag so much as a … water line.  And not a little crack, either.  He broke it.  Water started flowing all over the place.  We were all running around like chicken with our heads cut off.  I showed them where the meter was to shut the water off.  Of course it hadn’t been cleaned out in months (Hmm.  How are you sending me accurate bills every month, City of Galveston?).  Nathan started digging.  I located the cutoff tool and got it to John.  They finally got everything shut down.  I offered to call the plumber, but John suggested we wait and see if they could fix it on their own.  Sure enough, they patched it together.  After an appropriate wait time they checked the seal.  Not so good.  They cut that section out to try again.  This time we had to race over to Village Hardware to get some more parts.  Just got in under the wire of their closing time.  Weekend Plumber John went back to work, and this time everything held and we were back in business.  Once it dries and sets we can rebury it and move that post location over a bit. 

However, it was rapidly approaching time for softball.  Cailyn and John’s daughter Alexis both had games, and their Dads (and a certain DadDad and Nani) wanted to be there.  The water repair worked great, so we covered the hole to let the connection set overnight along with the cement in the post holes.  Now John and Nathan have to work today (both are fire fighters, so they have a 24 hour shift to cover).  That means we’ll have to go another day without a fence.  Well, I mean Freddy will have a day without a fence.  She was quite confused when we took her out and she realized the fence was gone.  Couldn’t tell if she secretly wanted to bolt or to run back in the house and hide.  We’ll see how this goes …

1 Corinthians 13:6 says, “Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.”

Father, thank you for the hard work John and Nathan put in yesterday.  Please give them a restful day at the station.  Amen.

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