Tuesday, March 12, 2019

March 12 – “Spring’s sprung”

Well, that was certainly a Monday.  No, nothing bad happened.  It was just a full day again.  Just a typical Monday.  We got in our three mile walk (It’s the first time in several days the weather has cooperated), but the time change is really throwing our start time.  Chris refuses to concede that it can possibly be morning before the sun comes up, so we are starting a little later than usual.  That’s not completely a bad thing for me, though.  I still get up around 6 or 6:30, so I can get quite a bit done at the computer before breakfast. 

At some point during the day Chris asked me for some help in the back yard.  She has already done wonders back there.  Her latest project has been spray painting the wrought iron table and chairs.  They have begun to rust through … again.  We even had to make a quick WalMart run for some more paint to finish the job.  While there we also picked up another table umbrella (the one we had died).  Oh, and some wasp spray.  We saw a dreaded yellow jacket hanging around (I am really allergic to yellow jacket stings – like, emergency room trip allergic).  Spring has truly sprung around our house.  Well, at least in our back yard. 

Oh, and on a related side note, we went over to Nathan and April’s house and picked up a swing they didn’t want any more.  It’s one of those two-seaters with a canopy over the top.  Swings are kind of like rocking chairs to me.  Hard to turn one down.  Anyway, the swing fits in perfectly with our new no-hot-tub theme. 

Ah, but while we were outside, little did we realize that the sewer demons were wreaking havoc with our pipes again.  Last time it happened (about a month ago) our plumber said, “As much as I enjoy coming out to see you, the next time this happens, you need to call the city.  At the very least they need to install a clean out access port on their side of your yard.”  I took Jimmy’s advice.  And much to my surprise, a crew was here within an hour.  They wandered around the block looking for – get ready for it – “the city’s clean out access port.”  I told them there was none.  They argued a bit, and I finally decided to let them make the discovery on their own.  To assist them, I showed them where ours was.  I guess Jimmy was right.  They eventually dug a hole and made a new access port (I know there’s a technical name for that, but I can’t remember it).  They assured us we were good to go, so Chris resumed washing clothes.  No further problems … this time.

One other fun thing happened.  I got an email from my brother Jay.  He found an autographed baseball, and wondered if I knew who it might be.  Problem was, the signature was blurred and faded as well as being, well, a signature.  I tried to match it up with some of the guys I thought it might be, but none of them were anywhere close.  Guess it will have to remain a baseball mystery.

2 Corinthians 1:3-4 says, “Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God.”

Father, thank you for Spring.  It is Chris’s all-time favorite time of year.  Amen.

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