Thursday, March 14, 2019

March 14 – “Dance fever? Oh, yeah”

Well … I’m pretty sure that I made the Spring Break experience totally worthwhile for some young teenagers the other day.  It started when we had to go to WalMart for some groceries.  We have some family coming in from out of town for a day or two.  Gotta get just the right food, you know.  Roast for the crock pot.  Zakary cinnamon rolls (a family thing).  Snacks.  Snacks.  Snacks.  Hey, ten grandkids can eat a lot, and who wants healthy?

So, when we returned to the car and unloaded our cart, I noticed some young whippersnappers in the car parked next to us.  I guess Mommy went shopping without them.  It is, after all, pretty embarrassing to be seen anywhere in public with Mom when you are in junior high/high school.  I can’t be absolutely certain, but I’m pretty sure when they saw us that they cranked up the music they were listening to by several thousand decibels.  I guess they thought they would freak out the old-timers. 

Not to be deterred, I oh-so slowly pushed our now-empty cart to its designated spot in the cart collection lane, looking the part of a decrepit old geezer.  Then, upon my return trip to our car, I broke out into a wild and crazy dance routine from my early 70’s days.  Did they see it?  Oh, yes.  They saw it all right.  I glanced over at them, flashed them a big grin, and saluted smartly.  They laughed uproariously at the old coot rocking out.  I danced on around and calmly took my seat.  Then as she slowly backed out of the parking space, Chris smiled sweetly at them and waved.  They exploded once again in laughter.  Glad we could brighten your day, young padawans. 

James 1:12 says, “Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him.”

Father, help those youngsters – and all the other thundering hordes - have a fun and safe Spring Break.  Amen.

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