Monday, March 11, 2019

March 11 – “Who was that Little Man”

Let me finish up with my Ezra anecdotes today.

He was a little bit demanding this trip.  One of his opening phrases to me was, “Gimme some food, DadDad.”  Cute, but not one I had to answer.  That was truly a “Go ask Nani” situation, if I’ve ever heard one. 

Another time he looked at me with one of those big-eyed looks and said, ever so sweetly, “I want some C-N-Y.”  Three guesses what that spells.  I found out later that with older siblings, all of whom can spell, this is what he hears.  And then they miraculously reappear into his line of vision with C-A-N-D-Y.  So he leaves out a few letters.  He’s just voice-texting me. 

And then there was the time he found a small flashlight I keep on my desk.  Very east to turn on and off.  He was walking around with it, testing its operational powers.  As he passed my desk, I asked, “Ezra, where did you get that?”
He thought for a long moment, then replied, “A little man gave it to me.”
OK, now he might have said the culprit was “a Lego man.”  Doesn’t change the impact of the story at all.
I followed up with, “Where is he?  Where is this Little Man?  I want to talk to him.”
His answer?  Quick this time.  He was all-in with this story now.  “At church.”
“So a little man at church gave that to you?”
He ducked his head just a bit, turned sideways, and almost whispered, “Yeah.” 
Then he took off running.  And over his shoulder he threw back at me, “And to Noa”
OK, Noa, now you are an unwilling accomplice.  Needless to say, she had no idea what I was talking about.  The Little/Lego Man shall forever remain a mystery.  But I did get my flashlight back.

1 Corinthians 10:13 says, “No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind.  And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear.  But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.”

Father, thank you for imaginations and the youngsters that inevitably go with them.  Amen.

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