Friday, January 24, 2020

January 24 - “What time IS it?”

So I set the alarm on my phone for 6 a.m. See, we ordered some breakfast, and I wanted to be awake when they got here.  Or so we thought ...

I forgot that the phone changed itself to Grand Cayman time.  Eastern Standard.  It went off at 5 a.m. ship’s time.  I was dressed and working on the blog before I ever realized what had happened.  Ah, well.  Another day at sea.  You know, starting from the right port, we could have been halfway across the Atlantic Ocean by now ...

I checked our account again.  It still has a double charge on it that hasn’t been resolved.  They did take one mistaken charge off, though.  And they gave us two random credits of seventeen dollars and some cents.  No idea what that’s for.  We are waiting a day or two to see if it gets corrected.

On one of our walks through the ship we stopped to play one of the trivia games.  Animals and TV theme songs.  We came in middle of the pack on both.  Some of these people are cutthroat about their trivia ...

We also signed up for a caricature.  It took the guy about ten minutes to do both of us.  He was a really good cartoonist.  Of course he had a really cute couple to work with ...

After lunch we went to the Hasbro game show.  It was a live game show like on TV.  Think “Let’s Make a Deal with out the wild getups.  Well, on second thought, there were some pretty wild getups.  Anyway, I got picked to play Trivial Pursuit.  Right up my alley.  My question was, “What does AAA mean to a stranded motorist?”  Easy Peasy.  That got me a spot on the stage with the red team against the evil blues.  The stage game was a version of skee ball - also a personal favorite.  The Red Team won when the lady in front of me hit a 500 to put us over the top.  Then we were given a huge monopoly card.  That we each fed into a computer-like machine that told us how many points the card was worth.  Mine was only good for a consolation prize.  The game “A Barrel of Monkeys.”  Appropriate?  Hey, now ...

Next Chris read some in her book and I took a nap.  Woke up to a movie called Marwen, I think.  Actually really good.  Based on a true story.  We also watched a lone sea bird as he dove after the little skimmers on top of the water.  Oh, and the sun ... it’s a special kind of hot out here.

We had supper with the Randy group, minus Randy.  It was plenty of fun, and i actually got my fix of fried shrimp and fish.  Didn’t even taste Chinese-food-y.  Yum.

We took a stroll after dinner.  Bought a few t-shirts.  Watched the end of a Spider-Man movie on the monster screen up on deck.  Listened to a few rock-and-roll tunes in the atrium.  And then on to bed.  Big day coming.  Promise of land again.

Psalms 116:7 says, “Be at rest once more, O my soul, for the Lord has been good to you.”

Father, it is good to see some land again.  Thanks for that.  Amen.

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