Tuesday, January 14, 2020

January 14 – “Speaking of …”

Panama Canal Cruise countdown … five days …

Speaking of the cruise, I actually did my part in getting something ready yesterday.  I was in charge of seeing that our electronic devices were charged and ready to go.  Well, that would be everything except the camera, which we plan to use Saturday at Cailyn’s birthday party, and the devices we use pretty much every day, like our phones and iPads.  So that left the selfie stick, the portable fan, and the iPad keyboard.  Oh and that most important of all of them, the portable charger for all of those other devices.  I had wires coming out of every possible connection in the laptop.  Looked like a patient in an ICU room.  But that’s all done now.  That is all set aside on the guest room bed waiting to be officially packed. 

Speaking of getting cruise-ready, I also finished up getting checks ready for bills that will come due while we are gone.  There are not really that many, and I’m hoping some of them come in this week before we leave, but I want to be prepared.  April is all set to fill in the checks and mail them off for us. 

Speaking of April, Chris checked with them about giving us a ride to the terminal on Sunday.  They happily agreed.  Know how I could tell it was “happily”?  Nathan sent along a meme of a car whipping in and out of traffic along an early 1900’s street.  WooHoo. 

Speaking of Chris, she spent most of her day back at the sewing table.  She is spunkily doing her best to get that quilt finished.  She is still a ways off, but it definitely looks like something that could fit on a bed now.  I’m pretty sure the future recipient will be satisfied with the finished product.  Lots of hours of hard work have gone into that thing.

Speaking of … nah.  That’s enough.  See you tomorrow for day four.

James 1:22 says, “Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves.  Do what it says.  Anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says is like someone who looks at his face in a mirror and, after looking at himself, goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like.”

Father, help us get through all these details.  I know the end result will be a good one.  Amen. 

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