Wednesday, July 3, 2019

July 3 – “Oh, my aching …”

Confession time.  I have been feeling kind of off ever since we got back from camp.  Well, truth be told, it started while we were at camp.  The worst part, though, has been an on-again-off-again toothache.  The kind that just drains you of energy, especially when you drink anything very cold or very hot.  Chris finally got me to call the dentist, and they got me in right away.  I suppose that was a good thing …

Sure enough there is one tooth that is cracked badly enough that it needs to be pulled.  So why am I speaking in futuristic terms instead of past tense?  Because it’s still in my mouth.  Seems there are two problems.  Well, maybe three.

Problem one: There is not enough of the tooth left for her to grab hold of conventionally.  It already has a filling, so that would just fall out and leave the remnants of the bad tooth.  That means it will have to be pulled out in pieces.

Problem two: There is a wisdom tooth that has never made its appearance that might be in the way of the extraction process.  That one may have to be pulled as well.  Because of that unusually weird situation I have to go to an oral surgeon instead of my dentist doing the deed.  The good news is they can get it done before we leave for Alaska next week.  The bad news is they can’t see me until Monday at 11:15.  No food or drink that morning.  Which brings me to …

Problem three: Actually this would be a potential problem.  They don’t accept the Medicare Part C insurance we have.  Out of network.  Of course it is.

After all that, after dinner last night we had a slice of cold watermelon.  I guess it was that cold that did it.  I entered the longest stretch of pain since this thing started.  It lasted several hours.  Even made concentrating on the Astros game difficult.  Chris googled home remedies.  I tried a warm salt water rinse.  Also Tylenol.  Next in line was an ice pack or hot tea or both.  It finally eased up a bit, but I’m sure keeping those last few in reserve.  It’s a long time until Monday. 

Well, guess I’ll go take my humongous horse pill of an antibiotic the dentist prescribed and do some resting up today.  Oh, and … Happy birthday, Nathan.

Galatians 6:2 says, “Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.”

Father, thanks for the relief from the toothache pain.  I’ll be needing your help between now and Monday.  Amen.

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