Friday, June 7, 2019

June 7 – “Galveston Intercontinental Airport”

As we were leisurely heading toward Galveston Intercontinental Airport to pick up Josh and his family Chris got an unexpected text.  But let me back up a bit.  It was our intention to drop off one of the two cars we had to use for the day (Thanks to Jim and Pat Eggler) at the airport parking lot.  Then we were going to fire station four where Nathan was at work (Cailyn was with us) to watch the plane land.  Then we would head over to pick up the Waco Vaughan’s.  Great plan, right?  Wellll …

About the time I finished parking the Eggler’s minivan, Chris pulled in and jumped from our car.  She yelled over to me, “The plane has already landed.”  Yikes.  What we thought would be a flight of about an hour only took them 37 minutes.  Can you get a ticket for speeding in an airplane? 

We walked on out to the tarmac to greet them, and after meeting Josh’s friends and plane owners, we were given a quick tour … by Caleb.  Very nice.  And while we were standing around talking, Nathan pulled the fire engine out of the station and flashed the lights it greeting.  Very cool and impressive move. 

Next Don and Sunny, the plane owners, wanted to see Seaside.  They had a picture in their minds of a cabana on the beach where we held services.  I think they were a little disappointed when we pulled up to an actual building.  They were amazed and excited to find out that we did baptisms at the beach.  And they couldn’t even feature our Easter Sunrise Service on the beach.  They seemed to really appreciate everything I told them about Seaside’s ministry.  They even took us all to lunch at Fisherman’s Wharf.  Very nice, down-to-earth folks.

After lunch Josh got back on the plane and returned to Waco.  Then he got in their car and drove right back to Galveston.  He got back around 10:30 or so.  Meanwhile the rest of us headed up to LaMarque for Josiah’s birthday party.  It was at the park near their house.  It was hot.  Really hot.  Like summer in the swamps hot.  Of course that didn’t stop the rousing game of baseball the kids organized.  As a result they were absolutely beat when we got home.  That didn’t bode well for Cailyn, who had to go immediately to softball practice.  She probably slept well last night.  I know I did.

Isaiah 26:3 said, “You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you.”

Father, thank you for watching over Josh in his travels, both in the air with his family and solo in the car.  Good to know you have both areas covered.  Amen.

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