Sunday, June 16, 2019

June 16 – “No matter how old …”

We decided to pass on Cailyn’s softball game yesterday.  The fact that they were playing in Spring, about an hour and a half away, may have had something to do with our decision.  As it turned out, they did really well.  They won a couple of games, which kept advancing them in the tournament.  Sadly, however, the last games of the day were all rained out.  Rain.  We sure didn’t get any here on the Island.

So no softball meant I had no excuse not to do some more work on the Bible Studies for camp.  Some printing and getting a poster done were the big obstacles of the day.  The printer finally cooperated – on its own time.  And the poster is completed, rolled up, and ready to go for the last Bible Study of the week.  Check and check.  I do still need a whistle though …

The afternoon was set aside for two things.  First we delivered a car full of supplies to the church from our Sam’s run.  Most of them need to eventually make their way upstairs to the retreat center, but for now they rest on a table downstairs.  Next we attended a birthday party for Travis.  He is one of many youngsters (OK, I know he just graduated from college and is starting grad school in August, but we were there when he was born, so yes, he’s a perpetual youngster) who have Seaside roots.  Speaking of Seaside youngsters, it was good to see some of the young men and women who grew up at Seaside and have moved on into their adult – and almost adult - lives.  Travis, William, Matthew, Cody, Jennifer, Sydney, Melissa, Jimmy (but he goes by James now).  They are all my kids.  Sigh.  Guess I’m just being a sappy, sentimental, old Dad on this Father’s Day. 

Psalms 103:13 says, “As a father has compassion on his children, so the Lord has compassion on those who fear him.”

Father, please walk with all of our Seaside kids, no matter how old they seem to be now.  Amen.

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