Saturday, June 15, 2019

June 15 – “Haven’t seen him since”

A few weeks back we had a visitor at church on Sunday.  He came over from the nearby RV park.  As we chatted before the service he told me has never been a church-goer.  In fact he hasn’t been inside a church in over 40 years.  He passed the Catholic church on the way to Seaside, but decided he “couldn’t handle going that far quite yet.”  Interesting assessment. 

He recently started talking to his sister who does go to church and she convinced him to start reading the Bible.  She recommended “skipping the Old Testament for now and starting in the New Testament.”  He has been reading Matthew and Mark.  I told him that was good advice, since the entire Old Testament was leading up to what happened in the New Testament with Jesus.  So it is a good idea to decide what you are going to do with Jesus right up front.  He had one specific question about reconciling judging others with living a Christian lifestyle.  He seemed to appreciate my explanation about separating the person from the behavior.  He listened pretty intently to the gospel presentation right then and later to the teaching.  He said he would “be back for more next Sunday.” 

As often happens, we haven’t seen him since.  Please pray for Todd.

John 1:1 says, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.”

Father, Word, will you watch over Todd and draw him to yourself?  Bring others into his path who will reinforce the truth of the gospel.  Amen.

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