Thursday, February 21, 2019

February 21 – “We have arrived”

We have arrived.  Of course it was a rocky road getting there.  Well, it’s not so much that the road was rocky.  It was all the negative feedback I got.  What’s that?  Oh, from my grand and glorious singing to Cailyn on the way to school.  For some reason she insists that I give her a headache.  I keep assuring her that it is my singing that is gently hugging her head and making all her cares float away.  Yeah, she’s not buying it either.  But in spite of the musical turmoil, we have arrived.  See, when we dropped Cailyn off at school, Alexis, one of her good friends and neighbors and a fire fighter’s daughter, saw us.  She waved and called out, “Hi, DadDad.  Hi, Nani.”  Recognition among our granddaughter’s peers.  Yep.  We have arrived. 

We are still having internet troubles even after the tech left the house on Monday.  It was off more than on, and at the most inconvenient times.  Like when I was attempting to coordinate the sermon I typing on the laptop with the cloud file storage.  Apparently you need internet to do that.  It finally popped on for long enough to get the sermon sent over before crashing out again. 

So I called AT&T.  Again.  They ran all their tests.  Again.  They assigned a tech to come out and check it.  Again.  We were already just about convinced to switch over to their fiber optics version of internet and add their version of TV.  At least that would release us from dealing with Comcast.  Save us a lot of money, too.  We’ll see.

Oh, a quick knee follow-up.  I had my three month checkup with the surgeon.  I got there and was sent immediately to radiology for an x-ray.  When I returned and had a seat, one of front desk guys came out and announced that Dr. S. was running 45 minutes late.  He offered us coffee or juice, except that they were out of juice.  (Hmm?  Why offer it, then?).  I started to text Chris to let her know as the door closed behind him.  But before I could get three words typed the door suddenly opened again, and the nurse called out, “Kelley?”  Fastest 45 minute wait in my career.  Didn’t send the text. 

Isaiah 40:28 says, “Do you not know?  Have you not heard?  The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth.  He will not grow tired or weary, and his understanding no one can fathom.”

Father, thank you that really “arriving” is not based on the whims of a human relationship.  “Arrived” means having a relationship with you.  That’s the one that matters.  Amen.

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