Saturday, April 15, 2017

April 15 – “A Good Day”

Ah, April 15th.  The tax day that isn’t really tax day until the 18th because it falls on the weekend.  Easter weekend.  We have already sent our info to our preparer and received the bad news and sent in our payment, so fortunately for us, this is just another day.  Pretty great day, though.  Easter is coming. 

Yesterday we hosted our family Easter egg day.  Kel’s brood (sans Kel, which means without Kel … I learned some Latin) was here, as were Nathan and April and Cailyn.  They dove right in … literally in Noa’s case.  She didn’t have time to fiddle with the specially made egg holders that come with the dye kits.  She didn’t even have time to slip an egg into the whisk tool that Chris had on the table.  Nope.  Not Noa.  Her little hands fit perfectly into the coffee mugs that held the dye, so that’s where they went.  Color didn’t really matter to her.  I think she tried every one we had.  My favorite image came around about green time.  Her hands looked just like Selena, the green wicked witch in Once Upon a Time.  Chris managed to salvage another egg for her strange Easter hobby.  She gets everyone to sign one egg with crayon, then colors it, then sets it into a bowl full of eggs from Easters past.  As long as they don’t break, all is good.  The insides eventually shrivel up and become dust.  I sat in the recliner and watched the action this year.  I was assigned Nickel (Ezra) duty.  He and I lolled about, watching everybody else do all the hard work.  Our kids do like eggs, though.  In fact Uncle Nathan finally suggested that we move on to lunch after Micah finished wolfing down his third egg. 

With a roast in the crock pot, all Chris had to do was heat up the veggies and rolls and we were good to go.  Great food.  Great family.  Hard to beat.  Unless, of course, there are some hidden eggs to be found.  Always a hit with the kids, they then headed out to the front yard to locate some candy (and money) filled plastic egg delights.  I heard Micah say he was hoping to garner five dollars or so.  He is saving up for something special he wants to buy.  13 year old Jachin was excited to get to be a part of the hunt, even though he was restricted to finding eggs at his waist height or above.  I joined Noa in her search.  Several of the rascally eggs were strewn about the ground, so she was able to find quite a few on her own.  Thank you to the older kiddos for racing right past them to the more challenging finds.  They all seemed to have a good time, and I’m sure they will make short work of their new stashes of candy.  You wouldn’t think parental units would do any restricting on that end, would you?

Titus 3:8 says, “This is a trustworthy saying. And I want you to stress these things, so that those who have trusted in God may be careful to devote themselves to doing what is good. These things are excellent and profitable for everyone.”

Father, thank you for all the Good Friday means.  Your sacrifice is what makes it, and every day, a Good Day.  Amen.

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