Wednesday, August 5, 2015

August 5 – “A Medical Report”

Well, let me get this medical report done.  We went up into Texas yesterday for my yearly appointment with my neurologist.  Unfortunately this year I had some news for him.  Over the last two or three months I have been having some pretty severe lower back pain.  It has definitely limited my activity level.  My toes have been numb and tingling and even throbbing at times.  And on the top side, my right hand and fingers have been doing the same.

After his initial exam, I had to undergo an electrical stimulation test.  Not so fun.  They hook up electrodes and inject a short jolt.  Very painful.  And then the doctor himself came in and used the same machine, but instead of the electric jolts, he did some kind of acupuncture test.  I’m not sure what it is really called, but he sure stabbed me with lots of little tiny needles.  He also ordered a particular blood test and an MRI.  Haven’t done those yet.

Results so far: Clearly the spinal stenosis is much worse.  That’s where the space inside the spine actually fills in with deposits and get smaller and smaller, eventually putting pressure on the nerves.  As a result I have neuropathy in my feet.  Oh, and the problem in my arm is not related to my neck.  It’s carpal tunnel syndrome. 

Treatment plan?  I have to wear a brace on my wrist at night for the carpal tunnel.  I have to go to water therapy three times a week for four weeks (actual therapy.  The water exercise I already do twice a week doesn’t count).  After that we re-evaluate.  If the pain is still bad, the next step is injections.  Pending, of course what else the MRI might show.

So … apparently the foot neuropathy means I’m dying from the bottom up.  The stenosis means I’m shriveling up from the inside out.  The carpal tunnel means I spend too much time typing.  So I guess I need to stop walking, stretch a lot, and never type again.  Either that or get as much walking in while I can, stretch a lot (that one still works), and type more with my left hand.  Sounds like a plan.

Philippians 4:13 says, “I can do everything through him who gives me strength.”

Father, thank you for the abilities you have given me to walk and type and stretch.  I don’t ever want to take them for granted.  Amen.

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