Tuesday, May 27, 2014

May 27 – “Real army men”

So how did you celebrate Memorial Day? I guess ours started Saturday evening over at the Jamaica Beach Park.  At the annual picnic and fund raiser they did a very moving ceremony where a veteran read off the name of a soldier who died in each of the major wars the United States has participated in in our history.  He began with the Civil War, reading the name of a soldier who served in the Confederate army as if he was doing a morning roll call.  In reply, a veteran in the audience responded that the man named had been reported as killed in action.  He continued through the other wars, each time yet another veteran responded for the missing man.  He then had all the veterans stand and be acknowledged.  Finally he had anyone stand who had ever been one of the families of one who has served.  It was quite moving.  They also served some incredible food (barbeque and crawfish) and even had a live band for dancing.

On our part, we also went over to Nathan’s party that afternoon, but yesterday we had a little family party of our own.  Christina brought their kids over.  Kel was at the final day of the comic book convention in Houston.  Nathan and April and Cailyn came, too.  Oh, and George Foreman was our other guest.  Well, at least his grill was.  Chris cooked up some burgers for everyone.  April brought a salad.  Christina made some brownies.  We prayed and thanked God for all the people who fought really hard to protect us.  I think the highlight of the whole affair from a kids’ point of view, though, was … the water balloon fight.  Nathan and April brought over a huge carton of balloons and a special water hose attachment for filling them up.  It took a while, but they managed to fill up a big bucket with water balloons before the youngsters began grabbing them and tossing them in every direction.  We … er, I mean, they … well, OK, we got pretty drenched, but it was great fun. 

I gotta say, though, that the best Memorial Day tribute I heard all weekend – maybe ever – came this morning when April dropped Cailyn off so we could take her to school.  As she got dressed she started talking.  Well, she started talking pretty much the second the door closed and her Mommy walked away.  But let’s say she changed gears a bit.  Out of the blue, Cailyn paused reflectively, then, all in one breath it seemed, told me, “I saw some real army men on TV.  Not just TV army men.  Real army men.  And there were army girls, too.  Girls can be army men.  And they were holding flags.  And did you know those army men really care about us?  And you know what else?  God has an army, too.  And girls can be in that army.  You’re in God’s army, aren’t you, DadDad?  And I can be in God’s army, too.  And God really loves us, too.”  Whew.  I had to catch my breath on that one.  I think she has a handle on the deepest level of motivation for serving in the armed forces – they “really care about us.”  And that “God’s army” comment is not a bad assessment of the calling of a believer.  Great Memorial Day sermon, Cailyn. 

Joel 2:11 says, “The Lord thunders at the head of his army; his forces are beyond number, and mighty are those who obey his command.”

Father, I do want to be counted among those who obey your commands.  Especially if I get to serve with children.  They are the ones who really seem to understand them.  Amen.

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