Wednesday, February 1, 2012

February 1 – “A Big Step Forward”

Our first word on April yesterday was that she had to have another unit of blood.  Her hemoglobin dropped below what it should be, and the docs were concerned that she would become too anemic.  Second word, though, was that she was waking up and doing her best to communicate by writing notes.  By late morning April was fully awake and had obviously proven herself to the docs, so they removed the breathing tube – a major step forward after surgery.  She moved from sitting in a chair to a brief stint at walking. 
She is still running that low-grade fever, though, so the virus or disease or whatever-it-is is still to be dealt with.  She's not out of the woods yet.  My cousin is married to the guy who is the head of infectious disease research on the national level.  His comment was that the biggest problem in dealing with infectious diseases is that it takes so long to get results back.  Boy, does he ever have that one right.  Of course when the sick one is your loved one, anything over, oh, ten minutes or so is too long. 
We did our daily picture for mommy and daddy with Cailyn.  We either take a picture of something she is doing, or she sits with me at the computer and chooses one of the ones we have on there.  We print it out and she colors a picture on the side, kind of her signature.  Yesterday she was all ready.  "I make mommy happy."  The first one she chose was taken when she went on an outing with her cousins.  She is sitting on the lap of the Chick-fil-A cow guy in a costume.  (Yes, there really is such a thing).  She drew a picture of mommy to the side.  Big circle.  Two eyes.  Nose.  Then she said, "I want mommy have smiley face on her."  So she drew it.  It was not located inside the circle, but it was there.  Then she stepped back to check out her work.  We anxiously anticipated her comment, but she surprised us and said "I don't like it.  That not look like my mommy."  She wouldn't let us take it.  We let her select an alternate, but we secreted that first one away.  That's one they will love.
Late last night Nathan texted us that April was being moved out of ICU to a regular floor.  I'm sure they assured him she would still be watched closely, or he would have balked.  Then around ten o'clock, the time Nathan usually calls Cailyn to tell her good night, he texted Chris, "Have Dad log in to FaceBook."  I did, and we discovered that there is a video chat option.  I never knew it existed, but then I'm an old guy.  Why would I?  Come to find out, April had to tell Nathan about it.  Anyway, Cailyn was able to spend a few minutes chatting with her mommy and Daddy and actually seeing them.  The sound wasn't so great, so Nathan called her on the phone.  That took care of that.  Great to see all three of their faces. 
The Team April group put out a flyer with details on the benefit party for the family.  It will be Saturday, February 25th, starting at 2 p.m., at the Fire fighters Local 571 Union Hall.  7401 Heards Lane in Galveston.  The cost will be $10 presale or $15 at the door.  Catfish or chicken plates will be served.  A silent auction will take place as well.  For more details or to offer items for the auction, email or check the FaceBook page under TeamApril.
Isaiah 57:13b says, "But the man who makes me his refuge will inherit the land and possess my holy mountain."
Father, thank you for small steps.  They add up to giant leaps.  Amen.

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