Saturday, August 7, 2010

August 7 – “The Queen … Beginnings”


And Zakary asked, "where is Nani?  She's supposed to be here."  This is the story of what could have been said. 


Once upon a time when it was both right and good for princesses and even queens to have quests of their very own, there was one such princess.  And she was quite certainly my queen.   "What did she do?" you ask?  Ah.  She did nothing less than win my heart and then make me happier than I have ever been.  For she left her life as she knew it to join me in my lifelong quest. 


And that's not all.  She brought forth three fine boys who loved and lived and found fair maidens of their own who agreed to join them in quests into new and larger worlds.  And in those worlds they too brought forth children.  Fine, strapping lads with joy in their hearts and mischief in their eyes.  And one lovely little girl, who was destined to grow into a beautiful young maiden who would certainly steal the hearts of all who met her.  But they each shall have their own story.  And it is yet to be told.   


But her story begins when she single-handedly subdued the rival forces of the Yarrow And Ramtil Domain. Another question?  I bet I know.  You want to know what those words mean, don't you?  Well, Yarrow is but a strong-scented herb from the continents of Europe and Asia.  Ramtil is a another herb cultivated in far off India for the oil in its seeds.  And Domain simply means … where they came together.  No one can remember a time when yarrow and ramtil grew freely in the domain.  Though there have been times in recent memory when other species wantonly invaded the domain and seemed about to overwhelm the castle itself. 


It was into one such time that the Queen first appeared.  Forces struggled back and forth for control of territory.  And then she arrived.  Calm.  Patient.  Gently subduing one after another of the factions until the entire domain was under her command.  So much so that her young boys could climb and play for hours on end without fear of attack from the limbs of the trees above or the hidden snares below that could tear skin from bone with ruthless efficiency.  Safe.  Clean.  Happy.


Happy, that is, until … 


OK, enough of that for now.  Maybe I'll get back to it soon.  Seemed like a fun story.  In my head. 


Psalms 47:2 says, "How awesome is the Lord Most High, the great King over all the earth!"


Father, you are awesome.  I sure can't wrap my head around who you really are.  Amen.

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