Monday, August 2, 2010

August 2 – “Aunts”


I spent the day with Chris in Bay City today.  Her Mom is having some real problems with swelling in her left leg.  The doctor said it was most likely related to blood clots, but there is really nothing that can or should be done about it at this point.  She keeps it propped up as much as she can.


This afternoon I got to spend some time with the aunts.  Right as Chris was fixing some lunch, one of her aunts drove up with a friend of hers.  Aunt Becky is not one the actual sisters of the clan.  She married one of the brothers.  But as far as she is concerned, she belongs as much as any of the others.  And she is a lot of fun to be around.  She has all kinds of physical problems, but doesn't let any of them keep her down.  She is loud and silly and always has something to say.  The fiend she brought was Charlene.  That's Char, pronounced with a rough ch like chicken or chance.  She was a little tiny woman who used to be a schoolteacher.  She was pretty outgoing as well, and the two of them together made for some entertaining moments. 


After they had been here awhile they made a phone call and convinced two other of Chris' aunts to come over as well.  Meanwhile the hospice aide came over to help Chris' Mom with a bath.  So I went outside with the two ladies.  Aunt Becky then asked me a question about a granddaughter of hers who was worried about whether or not she was going to heaven.  She wanted to know how to reassure her.  She knew what she thought was right but just couldn't figure out how to say it.  As I began to answer, Chris' Dad came outside.


Now he does not consider himself at all religious, and does not really understand why Chris' Mom wants to go to church.  He has never been belligerent about it around me.  He just acts disinterested. 


Well, I didn't slow down at all.  I went through the entire plan of salvation and answered several follow-up questions they had.  And he stayed through it all, apparently listening.  He finally went back inside.  Chris was really happy to hear about it when I got a chance to tell her later.


Speaking of later, the other two aunts got there and Chris and I went out to lunch with them while her Mom and Dad took naps.  One of the aunts was named Roxie, but went by the name PeeWee.  She made her presence known like Aunt Becky, but didn't have the same never-ending smile.  The final aunt was Aunt Hope.  She was obviously the quiet one.  She is an RN, so she spent a lot of time talking with Chris by themselves.  The trip to Chili's was a much-needed diversion for Chris.  But it was also fun to watch the interchanges the rest of the afternoon between the sisters and friends.


1 John 5:13 says, "I write these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God so that you may know that you have eternal life."


Father, grant assurance to that fifteen year old who is struggling.  And draw Chris' Dad to you.  Amen.

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