Thursday, August 26, 2010

August 26 – “A difficult day”


The life that went on was not the same, however.  Nothing was the same, nor would it be ever again.  Day after day we continued, dragging, washing, sadly shaking heads, weeping together, holding each other.  And every day help came, often from unexpected sources.  And most every day someone from the clan of the Queen would trudge slowly away, heading for a station of aid offering sustenance of food and drink. 


Standing in the line proved difficult, for these were folk of the household of a queen, certainly not used to receiving such of the most basic of needs.  Yet stand they did, day after day, meal after meal, humility being the entrée of force here where there was no choice.


What a difficult day.  Oh, I got done what I needed to get done.  Worked on the Sunday teaching.  Went to WalMart to see if they had something Chris was trying to find in Bay City.  They didn't.  Why was I not really surprised?  Made sure Mom got something to eat.  Got prepared for home group tonight. 


The effects of the latest course of medications for my rheumatoid arthritis seem to be solidifying.  I feel pretty good in the mornings.  Around one or two in the afternoon I begin to feel the dull ache in several joints.  If I am able to stop for awhile around that time and either take a nap or at least relax my mind, then the pain remains a dull ache for most of the afternoon.  If I don't rest, then the tireder I get the mor severe the pain gets.  In either case, though, by the early evening the sharper pain joins the dull aching, and the two vie for control of my attention.  By 8:30 or 9:00 I take the pain medication he prescribed so I can get to sleep by 10:30 or 11:00.  So far I have been sleeping until 4 or 5 in the morning.  If nothing else, I have something specific to tell the doc next time I go in.


Chris communicated regularly.  She texted numerous times giving me updates on her Mom.  Apparently she woke up at three and was ready to start her day.  That made everyone tired, so emotions were on edge.  Her Mom has been showing some confusion and seems to be getter weaker.  She even wanted to just run away at one point.  Me too. 


Psalms 27:13-14 says, "I am still confident of this: I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.  14 Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord."


Father, I know your goodness is there.   Give us some of your confidence.  Amen.



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