Sunday, March 28, 2010

March 28 – “Soft Soap”


Our big event of today was getting to spend a few hours with Micah.  He was not feeling well, his Mom had to go to Houston to a baby shower, and his Dad had to go to church.  So we went over and hung out with him.  He was definitely mellow compared to his usual fun-loving self.


I figured something out this week.  The secret of the soft soap dispenser.  I always thought that soap you got out of a bottle was all alike.  You know, wet hands, lather, rinse, repeat as necessary.  Not so with the soft soap dispenser however.  Those little bottles of stuff that looks like dishwashing liquid just don't behave the same way as dishwashing liquid.  Don't get me wrong.  I am by no means claiming to be an expert on dishwashing liquid.  Except I do really like to wash my hands with that stuff that comes out already foamy.  The stuff that is marketed as soft soap, though, is not the same. 


With soft soap, when you wet your hands and push down on the squirter, the soap comes out fine, but with it comes a long, stringy spaghetti-looking soap mess that gets all over everything.  It cleans up easily enough.  It is, after all, soap.  But it should be neater than that.


Well, I found out that it is.  Or rather it can be, if you know the secret.  You have to think outside the box.  Don't follow instructions.  It's so simple.  All you have to do is push the squirter down so the soap goes onto a dry hand.  It pinches right off.  I did some research.  I watched Chris.  She always uses the dry hand technique.  How come no one ever told me about this?  Why isn't it printed on the label?  Such an easy answer to a perplexing dilemma. 


James 3:17 says, "But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere."


Father, thank you for a great Palm Sunday.  Please give us a pretty day for Easter, as well.  Amen.

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