Monday, September 30, 2024

September 30 - “An inflicted fast”

A text from ATT greeted us in the morning.  Check it out:

Hi, it's AT&T. There's an outage in your area so your repair appt is on hold. We'll contact you once the outage is over.

Well, thank you very much. Glad we were going to church anyway. And as it turned out, I got another notification later. The service interruption should be repaired by Monday evening at 6.  There you go. An inflicted TV and internet fast. Let’s see how it goes. 

We stopped at Randall’s on the way home. They texted me six different times that I had a prescription ready. Hey! At least texting works!

I just remembered something the bride said to me after that vows renewal Saturday night. In her very broken English she said, “In Slovakia we say thank you by three times do this.”  Then she kissed me on alternating cheeks three times. Made me feel pretty special. 

Romans 5:3-4 says, Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope.

Father, thank you for the kids in Experiencing God last night. They seemed really interested. Amen.  

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