Sunday, September 29, 2024

September 29 - “But not before …”

I went up to the Jamaica Beach fire department yesterday to start my very long day. They were having a welcome ceremony of sorts. A large group (maybe 20 or 30?) of first responders left South Padre Island a week or so ago … on bicycles. They were riding to honor fellow first responders who had died in the line of duty in the past year. The ceremony was impressive. Citizens of Jamaica Beach held signs with the names of Texans being honored, including Galveston’s own Andy Jefferies. It was great to see our GFD biker representatives and get a big hug from them. 

In the afternoon we had the celebration of life for Sam Criswell. There were people who came in from different eras of Seaside history, like Ken, Mike and Rhea, Rick and Traci, and Laura. There were numerous people who knew Sam from being at Seaside more recently, and even a relative from each side of Sam’s family made the journey. At least one other watched online. 

All 3 of our boys were involved in the service as well as a few grandkids. Their Nana was really beaming! The celebration itself was just that - a celebration. Everything was upbeat, from the memories shared to the songs by the praise team and by Jim and Corey.  

And afterwards, we all enjoyed some of the great food that was definitely a Sam favorite - King Ranch casserole, German chocolate cake, and … lots of cookies! 

My personal favorite of the whole afternoon? The sendoff song at the end, “Lord of the Dance.”  There may or may not have been a few of us who teetered on the edge and beyond into actually doing a little jig. 

But my Saturday was not over yet. Last night I had to preside over a renewal of vows out on the beach. It was actually one of the sweetest ones I have ever done. The couple was from Slovakia. They had just flown here to spend time with relatives. 

That morning the husband, Viktor, surprised his wife of 30 years by proposing to her again - at sunrise - on the beach. How romantic is that? Then for the vows renewal (just at sunset, by the way), she was completely surprised as well. She couldn’t speak any English, but she could understand it really well. Through her tears of happiness, she made it through her vows. I repeated them slowly and just a few words at a time so she could keep up. 

Afterwards they were appreciative to the extreme. Even insisted I take home three of the homemade Slovakian sausages they were cooking, as well as some bread with homemade mustard slathered on it. Thanks , guys.

Meanwhile, back at home, Ken and Chris were chatting. When I texted that I was on my way, Ken went and got a pizza for our somewhat-late supper. He spent the night  and headed back to Austin bright and early. 

But not before … why not one more thing to deal with? When I got home I was met with the pronouncement that our cable was messed up. In fact, internet, cable, and our house phone were all out. I called in, and the tech support guy walked me through some things to check. Sadly the news was not great. Internet and cable were down. Gee … I already knew that. The problem seemed to be with an issue outside our house, though. First available appointment to check it out?  Sometime between noon and four today. Hmm. Guess we can live without the internet or TV for a few hours. 

Micah 7:7  says, But as for me, I watch in hope for the LORD, I wait for God my Savior; my God will hear me.

Father, be with Viktor and Sylvia. Grant them many more years together as they love each other and you. Amen. 

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