Wednesday, September 4, 2024

September 4 - “Surveying the possibilities”

The rain held off long enough for us to get our two miles in. It has been a while. Chris even outdid herself and walked up and down the deck stairs no less than ten times. No stairs for me. Well, other than the one flight I got credit for somehow just by doing the walk. I’ll take it. 

Back at the house we went in the yard to survey the possibilities of working outside. We pulled up a few stickerburs in the front. Otherwise it was pretty wet. In the back, where we were supposed to continue digging up tree roots and start putting up a fence, we found a mud hole. Too wet to mow - too muddy to dig. We did manage to haul a full trash can of grass and roots to the front can so it can leave with the trash this morning.  At least there’s that. 

Sam had an appointment, so she and Chris left around eleven. By that time the rain was back, so any hope of a little digging or mowing was dashed. Instead I grabbed a shower. Nathan stopped by to borrow a suitcase for April. She is leaving for a big business trip today. Have fun! Can you have fun on a business trip?

Speaking of a business trip … we made a quick one in the afternoon to take care of some business at Randall’s (Neither of our prescriptions were ready yet, but we did fill up the car with gas). And while we were out, yep, Walmart. We had kind of a short list to cover, so it didn’t take long. Yes, bananas were on the list. At least my part of the list. 

Last night we had a pretty special dinner. Bacon and eggs. Breakfast for supper. Hard to beat. 

Philippians‬ ‭1‬:‭9‬-‭10‬ says, And I pray this: that your love will keep on growing in knowledge and every kind of discernment, so that you can approve the things that are superior and can be pure and blameless in the day of Christ

Father, please be with April on her trip. Amen. 

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