Wednesday, September 25, 2024

September 25 - “The Old-fashioned way”

Yesterday I finally got around to my job of cleaning off the back porch. Of course, that meant filling up the shed again. And I had to find a place in the shed for the wheelbarrow to live (the one I evicted from the garage a few weeks back). After shuffling and re-shuffling stuff, I finally ended up cutting a two by four to shore up a shelf so I could move some heavy stuff to the smaller shed. Even used an old-fashioned hand saw to make the cut. My Dad would be proud. My wife asked why I didn’t just go get a power tool. Thanks, Babe. 

Sam had some visitors throughout the day: friend Ed, Pastor Kel, dear friend Nancy, sister and brother-in-law Cathy & Mike, Mary Ann from her Bible study group, and finally special friend Lauren, who stayed the night to help. Thanks for coming, guys! 

Last night was a long one. The final vigil began. Some new developments led to a call to the hospice nurse. She gave us some things to do, and the wait continued. As I said, Lauren came over for a visit and ended up spending the night. She was ready to step in and serve a shift of watching over Sam. 

It was hard for all of us to get to sleep, though. Just felt like the end of this leg of her journey was rapidly approaching, and the beginning of her new journey was just clearing the horizon. 

‭‭Romans‬ ‭3‬:‭23‬-‭24‬ ‭ says, For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. They are justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus.

Father, bless all these folks who have been stopping by to check on Sam. They do make a difference. Amen. 

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